Can I have an Interlibrary Loan book and/or University Library book delivered to the Architecture Library?


Yes, you can! 

To have an Interlibrary Loan book (a book from another institution) or a University Library book delivered to the Architecture Library, you will first need to select the Architecture Library as your desired delivery location, then you may proceed to place your request.

The book will be held for you at the Architecture Desk for two weeks and may be picked-up during the hours in which the library is open.

1. Navigate to the Document Delivery webpage. This link is also available on the Libraries homepage.

2. Sign-in using your eRaider credentials. 

3. Click Tools on the menu, then select Change User Information 

4. Under Status, select your status from the drop-down (undergraduate, graduate student) and you will notice the option to select a Pick up Location will appear; select Architecture Library.

5. Click Submit information to complete pick up location selection.


  • Last Updated Jul 07, 2021
  • Views 558
  • Answered By Hillary Veeder

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