I have an architecture assignment, but I do not know where to start.


A great place to start is on the Architecture Research Guide.

The research guide is maintained by the Architecture Librarians. Its primary purpose is to support architecture-related research using the TTU Libraries resources and beyond!

The guide is made up of multiple pages. These pages include information on the various resources available in the Architecture Library and TTU Libraries collections in both print and electronic formats.

  • Looking for books and ebooks? Visit the Books & Ebooks page to locate links to the TTU Libraries Library Catalog and OneSearch system as well as individual ebook search platforms. 

  • Looking for articles? Visit the Articles page to search Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, JSTOR, and other subscription databases to locate articles from current and historical architecture magazines and journals. 

  • Looking for architecture journals? Visit the Journals page to find a list of the Architecture Library's current print journal and serial subscriptions.

  • Looking for images in digital and print formats? Visit the Images page to search and find images from the Arch Design Images Collection, ARTstor and more!

The guide also includes other general information about the Architecture Library space, technologies, and services.

If you need more assistance, visit the Welcome page for phone and email contact information for the Architecture Librarians and/or visit the Library in-person.

  • Last Updated Jul 07, 2021
  • Views 465
  • Answered By Hillary Veeder

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