If the Library does not have an item, or the item is not on the shelf, how can I get it?


Current and retired Texas Tech University faculty, students and staff are eligible to use Document Delivery (interlibrary loan) services, which borrows articles, books, and other research materials from other libraries. Articles from journals/magazines or chapters from books are supplied in electronic format, usually within 48 hours. If requested books can be located within Texas or the region, delivery time is normally 4 to 7 days. Obtaining books from outside the state or region may take longer than a week. Document Delivery requests can be submitted online through an ILLiad account. To create an account, go to Document Delivery, sign in with your eRaider username and password, then follow the instructions on the screen. 

The Document Delivery service can be accessed from the Libraries' website by selecting the yellow labeled Document Delivery icon in the center of the page.



  • Last Updated Mar 23, 2023
  • Views 902
  • Answered By Cynthia Henry

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