How do I get a Library card?


Texas Tech students, faculty and staff may check out materials with their Tech ID cards. This card is issued to all TTU students, staff and faculty at the University ID Office in Student Union Building, Room 103.

TTU distance students (graduate or undergraduate) may request that a Library card be issued and mailed to them by contacting the service desk at (806) 742-2265 or

If you are not a TTU student, faculty or staff member, you may check out items with a TexShare card. TexShare cards are available at many of the local public libraries in Texas. Request a TexShare card from the participating library, and bring that card to the TTU Library. This card will allow checkout privileges not only at our Library, but many other academic and public libraries across the state.

  • Last Updated Apr 15, 2022
  • Views 1521
  • Answered By Cynthia Henry

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