I am a distance student, how can I use the library?


Delivery of Articles and Books

Distance students should request library materials through Document Delivery using the online interlibrary loan system, ILLiad. To create an ILLiad account, go to Document Delivery, sign in with your eRaider username and password, then follow the instructions on the screen. When creating the account, distance students should select "TTU Distance Patron (Faculty, Staff, and Students)" as their status and give the street address they want to use as their delivery address. Items are sent electronically or mailed to your designated address via FedEx. When you need to return items to the library you will need to contact Document Delivery for a return label. You will need to know the weight of the item(s) you want to return when you contact Document Delivery, their contact information is (806) 742-2239 or libraries.docdel@ttu.edu




Distance students can access databases, check titles of electronic journals, and the catalog from off-campus. Find recommended resources from your Librarian on the Personal Librarian page.



TexShare Card

Distance students may be able to borrow materials from local libraries through the TexShare Card Program. For more information, please visit the TexShare website, or contact the service desk at (806) 742-2265 or libraries.circulation@ttu.edu.

Research Assistance

Get research assistance via Ask a Librarian:

Email: Send an email.

Chat: Type your question or message and click Start Chat to begin a chat session.

Phone: (806) 742-2265.

Text: (806) 686-3470.

Meet with your Personal Librarian for research assistance.


Handy Phone Numbers

Library Service Desk  (806) 742-2265

Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan (806) 742-2239

IT Central Campus IT (806) 742-4357


For additional information, contact Cynthia Henry at cynthia.henry@ttu.edu.

  • Last Updated Mar 23, 2023
  • Views 1443
  • Answered By Cynthia Henry

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