I was emailed by a student asking how long they will have access to library services after they graduate - what are your policies regarding this?
Thanks for your question! I checked with Access Services and this is what their response was - "We actually do not know that answer. It depends on when their information is purged by the ID card office. It might be 6 months or a year. If they stay in Lubbock we can sign them up for a temporary eRaider so they can log into our computers, wifi, and gain limited access to databases. They can also go to a public library and get a TexShare card that they would bring to us and we can issue them a borrowers card"
They also can always talk to the Personal Librarians covering a topic of interest to them - https://guides.library.ttu.edu/?_gl=1*8lh4ca*_ga*MTcwNjkwNDk1LjE3MjA4MjY1NjY.*_ga_DDD087DQY0*MTcyMTIzMDgxOC4zLjAuMTcyMTIzMDgxOC42MC4wLjA. In this area, are also a number of Research Guides to workshops. Although non-Tech community people can't attend these workshops live, they can watch the recordings available a couple of weeks afterwards.
Also, they can use chat - https://www.depts.ttu.edu/library/research-support/personalLibrarians/ or leave a message if chat is off-line.
Please let me know if you have any questions.